Jeff Boggess
Jeff Boggess is the Lead Database Administer at North Carolina Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance. He has worked with DB2 as a DBA since 2003. Jeff is responsible for DB2 on multiple platforms including z/OS, Linux, AIX and Windows as well as MS SQL Server. Jeff has held IBM Certifications on many past releases of DB2 since v8 and is currently an IBM Certified Database Administrator for DB2 V11.1 for LUW and for DB2 11 for z/OS.
When he is not working Jeff enjoys golfing in summer and snow skiing in the winter and always enjoys a day at the shooting range.
(2017 – Present)

Jessica Chen
I have more than 17 years of experience in database administration with extensive expertise in DB2 database and Microsoft SQL database administration. I am passionate about large relational database design, implementation, performance optimization, tuning, backup, disaster recovery, and security implementation.
December 2015 – present
Lead Data Base Engineer – MetLife
October 2000 – January 2016
Data Base Administrator – North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts

Jawahar Marota
Jawahar Marota is Sr Technical Product Manager at Dell EMC. He has worked as a Senior Manager Business Development and IBM Alliance Engineering with NetApp Inc. He has been working with DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows since DB2 v6.0 and has worked in the storage industry for almost 8 years.
Jawahar is certified DB2 DBA and has co-authored number of DB2 Redbooks, Redpapers and white paper. He holds Master of Business Administration from Kenan Flagler Business School at UNC and Master of Computer Science from University of Rajasthan, India.
(2016 –Present)

Pushpa Parameswaran
Pushpa Parameswaran has been working with DB2 z/OS as an application programmer, DBA and system programmer for 20 years.
Pushpa graduated with Bachelor in Science in Mathematics from the University of Madras. She also received a Master of Science in Mathematics and a Master of Science by Research in Aerospace Engineering from IIT in Chennai, India.
(2016 – Secretary)